software development Performing shotgun surgery on a database (This article is an account of an experience I had early on in my software development life. It is not meant to be a technical overview of how to perform the operations discussed. Some parts may be over-exaggerated for the sake of readability or otherwise wholly misremembered)
star citizen Star Citizen, I need a break… Star Citizen (SC) is without a doubt one of the most devisive early access video games to be developed in recent years. There are players who believe that it is one of the most technologically impressive video games ever envisioned and perhaps rightfully so. Not many games allow you to
first post About Me, This Blog, The Internet and Server Things I came up with a catchphrase slogan for the site which was, "When your hardware gets smelly." The idea at the time was to review tech and just write about my life. The word Smellybacon came into existence at around the same time